Wall Worm 1.956 released. Massive list of new features and fixes.

Started by wallworm, October 04, 2013, 06:45:36 PM

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Version 1.956 released on 10-04-2013

This set of updates was sponsored by Robert Briscoe, designer of Dear Esther. Thank you Robert!

◦ VMF Importer: Now fully imports correct UVW coordinates for brush geometry.

◦ VMF Importer: Fixed a bug with importing scenes with some kinds of displacements.

◦ VMF Importer: Added support for calculating displacements that have been subdivided in Hammer.

◦ VMF Importer: Added button to import the SMD/Meshes of props (and other entities with a model property). For it to work, you must have the QC/SMD files for your props in the modelsrc directories. If a QC file in your modelsrc paths do not reference the model name of the prop, the mesh won't import.

◦ VMF Importer: Added button to find all non-displacement objects in scene with a material with the word "tools" in the name and put them into a layer called VMF_Tools. This layer is then hidden.

◦ VMF Importer: Added button to convert all displacements in the scene to standard Editable Poly objects (removing the Wall Worm displacement attributes and event handlers).

◦ VMF Importer: Imported displacements should now always get the correct material applied.

◦ VMF Importer: Imported light_environment entities (which are imported as directional lights) now get the overshoot setting turned on. This will help the view not be black when import is done.

◦ SMD Importer: Updated mesh importer to allow XForm, nullifying root bone rotations, and forcing unique names on bones .

◦ SMD Importer: Added new function to combine imported meshes into single mesh. This is useful for models that have multiple materials that get imported as separate meshes per material if this option is off.

◦ SMD Importer: Fixed bug that can crash import if no transformation matrix is derived for a bone in the SMD list. This can happen if importing into a scene with many pre-existing objects and a unique name is given to nodes.

◦ SMD Importer: Added new option to remove all bones.

◦ SMD Importer: Material generating function now re-use existing scene materials if a material with the same name is found.

◦ QC Importer: Added new option called $scale to Mesh. When on, the imported mesh is rescaled to match the scale of the value in the QC. If, off, $scale gets sent to the WWMT helper's scale setting.

◦ QC Importer: Updated to correctly assign all meshes from the SMD importing to the WWMT helper. Previously, only the first node from a model having multi-materials was assigned to the WWMT helper.

◦ QC Importer: Now skips $collisionmodel if it is the same as the $model/$body. If the same, WW now adds the Auto Hull setting for the generated WWMT helper.

◦ Entities: Updated entity version to 18. Now entities are not so slow to open when you pick one and open the modify panel. Still need to speed up the output type list when scene has a bunch of entities.

◦ Displacements: Newly created displacements are no longer triangulated. They are now kept as quads.

◦ Displacements: Added new functions to Quadrify/Triangulate displacements and displacement sculpt meshes as needed. Use Quadrify for better poly modeling. Use Triangulate for accurate "Display Walkable" xView overlay.

◦ Displacements: Fixed error when deleting a sculpt mesh and its underlying displacements at the same time.

◦ Displacements: Updated the Faces to Displacements function in Anvil to take the texture from the face as the displacement texture. Previously, used the node's material... which may have been a multimaterial, etc.

◦ VMT Importer: Fixed bug with importing some VMT files with unexpected formats.

◦ VMT Importer: Now when you import a WorldVertexTransition VMT or use the Material Library Generator, the Blend materials have the same ordering of the materials so that what you see in Max will match those of the same material in Source. Previously, imported materials were inverted.

◦ WWMT: Fixed the bone collection functions to accommodate 3ds Max 2014's changed getBoneName() functionality.

◦ SMD Exporter: Fixed the bone name collection functions to accommodate 3ds Max 2014's changed getBoneName() functionality.

◦ Problem Checker: Added check for out-dated entities in the scene (created with an older version of the entity tools) or if the FGD cache is out-dated.

Please be aware that I will not be posting docs on any of these updates tonight. So use tooltips, intuition and experimentation on non-essential files until I get back in front of a computer to explain some more of this.


Version 1.9562 released on 10-06-2013

This and previous set of updates was sponsored by Robert Briscoe, designer of Dear Esther.

◦ Anvil: Fixed problem with the displacements where adding a displacement with the Faces to Displacements function would disable the Undo system in Max. Fixing this bug required that the Displacement creation could no longer be part of the Undo system.
◦ VMF Importer: Fixed problem with rotation of imported props in scene.
◦ VMF Importer: Added checkbox for alternate brush creation. This may help solve some problems for some VMFs.
◦ VMF Importer: Added angles spinner to give the default offset of the SMDs. In all likelihood, this will be 90.
◦ VMF Importer: Added button to add all objects in scene with a material including the name "tools" to be moved to a hidden layer.
◦ VMF Importer: Added button to rebuild scene from currently imported VMF. This will delete all the objects it previously created. You may use this if there is bad geometry and you want to try the alternate brush creation: change the setting then click the rebuild button.


Version 1.9563 released on 10-07-2013

This (and previous) set of updates were sponsored by Robert Briscoe and Dear Esther.

◦ VMF Importer: Added button to rebuild selected brush or displacement. Only works if the brushes were created from the current imported file in the open scene (and cannot be used if scene closed and reopened).

◦ Anvil: Updated displacement check to ignore displacements collapsed by VMF Importer's displacements to mesh function.

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