Specular Effect SMD

Started by S98, March 05, 2025, 05:16:41 PM

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Im making a mod for resident evil 4 2005, and this was the only plug-in for 3dsmax that worked for me. But I still having a issue, when I export my model to SMD format it does not retain the Specular or any other map, it only uses map_kd all the others disappear and the model look opaque in-game. How can i preserve the specular when exporting the model? Thanks if anyone can help me!


So was resident evil on the source engine? The format supported in Wall Worm is entirely for Goldsource, Source and Source 2. The SMD format in these engines do not contain any material information other than the name of the material applied to faces. Instead, the information for opacity and specularity is contained in other formats.

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