Wall Worm 5.6.1 Released

Started by wallworm, January 08, 2023, 07:06:33 PM

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Version 5.6.1 released on 1-8-2023

   * Entities: Added new Entity Override workflow that allows you to override entity properties when an entity inside a Forest or PropLine meets the conditions of the override. Current conditions are altitude-based or volume-based.
   * CSGO Tools: Added rollout to create the map TXT file for CSGO.
   * ProPal: Fixed MAXScript error when manually creating a ProPal node in some versions of 3ds Max.

   * VMF Exporter: Updated the VMF Exporter to only place the -deletecubemaps command in the PAK batch file. When used, the user is required to rebuild cubemaps.


Version 5.5.4 released on 12-28-2022

   * PropLine: Fixed a MAXScript error that could happen when deleting nodes that are used as sources in a PropLine.


Version 5.5.3 released on 12-28-2022

   * PropLine: Fixed the Skip Materials PropLine only working with WallWormMDL nodes.
   * PropLine: Fixed some transform issues with non Wall Worm MDL nodes when using the Skip Materials functions.

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