Floor plan generator?

Started by Redskull, July 01, 2014, 04:01:09 PM

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Hi, I'm still new to the community was just wanting to suggest an idea I've been thinking about. Do you think it might be possible to create a script which generates floor plans for hammer which you could then export as a .vmf? I know of someone working on tf2 maps had actually successfully created a map with random sized brushes but I don't know how he went bout it. I understand that maybe scripting something like that might be a bit complicated but was just wondering if it was plausible in wallworm.

Edit: Something neat I just found that you may want to look at if your interested. Although this was programmed in python and I don't know how different it would be to adapt some of the ideas into max. This is pretty much what I'm talking about thought.


Well, a couple of things.

1) Yes, it could be done.

2) Why use Hammer at all? No need to send to Hammer anymore... compile straight from Max :)

There are already varying levels of capabilities to do this right now in Max. Your ability to accomplish it is limited to your understanding of Max and WW, and what tools you own. If I end up building a specific tool for this, it will be as an expanded feature of CorVex. And the best way to get me to move in that direction is to get a bunch of people to respond to this thread with a "Yeah, I want that too" along with purchases of CorVex!


I haven't honestly been using wallworm a whole lot because I like convexity. Didn't know you could compile it without hammer with wallworm but I do understand that theirs a batch program out their that compiles it.  :) Will definable try to learn how to use wallworm and I already got corvex. Anyways I've been looking at that python script and might just edit it for TF2 but hopefully I'm not the only one that's interested in this being in corvex.

Joris Ceoen

I'm definitly interested in this :) it might make some rooms or stuff easier for usage in levels if I'm out of inspiration!


Quote from: Redskull on July 01, 2014, 05:10:40 PM
I haven't honestly been using wallworm a whole lot because I like convexity. Didn't know you could compile it without hammer with wallworm but I do understand that theirs a batch program out their that compiles it.  :) Will definable try to learn how to use wallworm and I already got corvex. Anyways I've been looking at that python script and might just edit it for TF2 but hopefully I'm not the only one that's interested in this being in corvex.

I have always been a supporter of Convexity. But it was that there are many things not supported properly in the Convexity VMF Exporter as well as several broken features that led me to build those that are in WW. Right now, the CVX Entity tool crashes Max 2014; CVX VMF Exporter does not support WWMT models, WWMT Proxies, WW Displacements or WW Entities. It also does not support bitmap coordinate transforms. All of these work in the WW VMF Exporter.

I still use some of the tools in Convexity, but the WW VMF Exporter is far more robust. It is located under Wall Worm > Wall Worm Exporters > Export Scene as VMF . Probably the biggest hirdle is understanding how it chooses what geometry to export as world geometry, which is outlined somewhat on the link just provided. Another good idea is to read Hammered to the Max: A Hammer User's Guide to 3ds Max.

Regarding the original request, I'll consider adding this since you and Joris are both CorVex owners. Due to dwindling finances, I must start giving less support to those who are not also supporting WW financially.

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