Wallworrm config not opening in 3ds max 2014

Started by B_CANSIN, April 06, 2013, 09:55:38 AM

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Doh... well I don't have 2014 yet so I cannot test. But that should be easy enough for you to fix and let me know if this fixes it:

Delete line 20 entirely as that property was defined above in line 7. Sloppy code but generally works. Looks like they are getting more strict.

Then re-launch a wall worm tool.

Let me know if that fixes it. If there are other errors share them here.


I went ahead and fixed the code and loaded an updated version. Please report any other problems that pop up in 2014. Thanks!


yes thats fixed hmm sir do you want to try some more things I really want help because these we can't find new source engine plunigs for newer 3ds max series everyone made something for blender.


Quote from: B_CANSIN on April 06, 2013, 11:35:10 AM
yes thats fixed hmm sir do you want to try some more things I really want help because these we can't find new source engine plunigs for newer 3ds max series everyone made something for blender.

Glad that worked.

Regarding your question, I am not sure what you mean? What plugins/features for Source are you talking about? WW will do everything the legacy plugins have done plus a lot more.


I mean canon fodder stoped making new plunig(Lastest exp and imp for 2012 I don't know what happend him :( ) and wodnerboy give a break.You are the only one made smd import exporter and other source engine tools and plunigs for 3ds max new series.I really glad to see someone making and giving this tools ^ ^ Thank you again.


Quote from: B_CANSIN on April 06, 2013, 11:49:08 AM
You are the only one made smd import exporter and other source engine tools and plunigs for 3ds max new series.I really glad to see someone making and giving this tools ^ ^ Thank you again.

You are welcome.

I must make sure that MarioKart64 from FacePunch forums gets credit. He actually wrote the base code for the SMD Importer in WW. I did tweak it and enhance it for Wall Worm, but he was the major contributor to that code.

Both the importers and exporters should work for all versions of Max from 2008+ and into the future because they are scripts instead of plugins. Of course, like the bug you reported, they sometimes need tweaked with a new Max if Max changes how MAXScript works... but generally that should be trivial to do.

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