tiled textured

Started by centran, October 07, 2012, 12:25:15 PM

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Hello. I am a complete noob when it comes to modeling.
I am not sure where on the internet to post my question... perhaps gamebanana would be a better forum but I found the wall worm tool and you guys seem pretty knowledgeable so I will ask my question here.

I am trying to put a texture onto a model. I have successfully gotten the texture on in 3ds max and in the sdk model viewer. However the texture is tiled. I moved the texture around in 3ds by scaling it and using offsets but it doesn't carry over to the sdk.

How do I make a texture that will just fully wrap around a model?


For models (as opposed to world geometry) the scaling, tiling and rotation of textures is determined entirely by the UVW coordinates of the model. You cannot use the tiling, rotation and scale of Bitmap nodes in the material editor for models (unless you are later baking those bitmap settings to a new bitmap).

So put the bitmap node tiling back to 1, rotation and offset back to 0.

Now apply a UVW modifier (Or Unwrap UVW modifier) and work from there. At that point, what you see in Max will be what you see for the model in game.

Note that this does not apply to world geometry (which is exported with the VMF exporter and does use the bitmap node settings except for angles).


Since I replied above, I have added support for bitmap node tiling, angle and offset in model VMTs. So you should be able to get the effect you are looking for by adjusting the bitmap nodes even for models now.

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