"Quick Hull" function broken AGAIN in PhysX Plug-in 2.86 ? (3DS Max 2012 x64)

Started by osama1337, August 01, 2012, 11:47:10 AM

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Hello, I heard that "Quick Hull" function has been fixed in newest versions of Nvidia PhysX Plug-in, so I just downloaded the "NVIDIA_PhysX_For_Autodesk_3ds_Max_2012_64bit_2.86.00717.05000"
However, when I try to use "Quick Hull" it just gives me that error:

I have tried reinstalling 3DS Max and plug-ins in this order:

1. 3Ds Max 2012 x64
2. Hotfix 1 – Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 (for 64bit)
3. NVIDIA_PhysX_For_Autodesk_3ds_Max_2012_64bit_2.86.00717.05000 (It's the newest version)
4. Wall Worm Model Tools (Newest version from official site)

And it's still giving me same error.

My OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64


Well that is unfortunate  :-\

I do not have access to PhysX 2.86... I have 2.85 installed and it is working.

I would try updating Max to the latest version (as you said that you only have HF1 installed).

ALSO... you may want to make sure to uninstall the PhysX plugin before installing any updates!! If you want to know why... well here is a thread involving me and it even got Ken Pementel as well as nVidia to chime in. In other words... I had a very bad time and nVidia ended up saying you need to uninstall the plugin each time you want to update Max.

You may want to see if the very latest updates simply work out-of-the-box without the PhysX plugin. I know Mir Vadim (developer of Rayfire) now suggests only using MassFX with Max 2013. I am going to test uninstalling PhysX soon to see if the latest MassFX just works.

Hopefully that helps.


So I can confirm that Max 2013 with Product Update 3 will work with both Wall Worm Quick Hull and Rayfire 1.58 without the need for any PhysX plugin.

As for PhysX 2.86 ... well I'm inclined to suggest not installing it unless there is a feature you really need. I've personally had several problems with various flavors of the PhysX plugin... and having one that I know works makes me leery about trying new versions unless a tool I use specifically needs them. (I originally found the 2.71 problems only because that version was needed with some Rayfire features... but it also broke WW!)

Anyway, my suggestion is to uninstall PhysX and update Max to the latest build... then see if Quick Hull works. If not, try using PhysX 2.85.


Hi, I told my friend that has 3DS Max 2013 that you confirmed that Quick Hull is working without PhysX plugin, but he got same error as me in first post :/
And he has Product Update 3 Ofc.

He installed his 3DS Max 2013 in this order:

1. 3DS Max 2013 x64
2. 3DS Max 2013 Product Update 1 x64
3. 3DS Max 2013 Product Update 2 x64
4. 3DS Max 2013 Product Update 3 x64

He even tried installing PhysX 2.85 ( NVIDIA_PhysX_For_Autodesk_3ds_Max_2013_64bit_2.85.00427.02000 )

His OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Can you advise us something?
Because we NEED Quick Hull function to make ragdolls for our HL2 Modification.

Thanks in advance


I have not got a really good clue as to what the problem is, then.

Can you give me step-by-step instructions on what you do to get the error. Perhaps it is procedural.

Also, I see your system displays decimals with a comma. Mabye there is a problem in MassFX with that?

As a last resort, send me the file and I will see if it works fine here.


Well, You said that you don't know another .SMD importer than outdated wunderboy's and cannonfodder's, so we had to convert .SMD file using "MilkShape 3D 1.8.5" into .FBX file format, and then import it in 3DS Max 2013.
It worked, but when we are Pick Uping model and we click on "Quick Hull" it gives us same error as in first post. :/

I uploaded a .rar with whole files (.SMD .qc  and  .FBX)



After opening the file and testing, I think it is something in the model itself that is crashing the function. I may be able to update the quick hull for this and/or tell you what to avoid... I'll share the results as soon as I figure it out.


I loaded a new version of Wall Worm today. The update should fix the problem you were having with that model.

I do need to point out that the problem was that it was the topology of the model that was crashing the PhysX/MassFx function. I simply added error checking. Somehow, some of the Elements in your mesh chokes the hulling functions.

My best guess is that it may be something with un-unified normals ... and it may have come from importing an SMD file. But those are my best guesses. In any event, it seems to work now.

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