Not a bug More confusion for L4d2 setup

Started by oxynary, March 05, 2011, 11:18:19 PM

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Yea, not sure where to put.  More, missing documentation for a source n00b.  Do you know the correct directories for the source sdk specific for the l4d2 authoring tools?  I tried  common/left 4 dead 2/bin  but I am unsure that's correct or a sub folder.  Also, there was not a materialsrc under common/left 4 dead 2/sdk_content.  Just a modelsrc.  Did Valve move materials in the newer revisions of the engine since orangebox?


Honestly, I am not sure as I have not yet used L4D. I am installing it now to see if there are any differences that I should document in the setup.


I am looking into the problem... but unforuntately... the error message that pops up when I try to compile anything for L4D isn't helpful... it says it can't find my gameinfo.txt but that file exists... and the link it gives in the error ( ) is not actually valid anymore.

I really don't know what is differnet for compiling models and textures for L4D.

I will continue to look into it. In the meantime, you may want to look over at Polycount or Interlopers. If you happen to find something before I post here, please do share here.


I am also looking to use your tools for L4D2, hope you don't mind me borrowing them!

I've managed to get a compiled model to use in L4D2, but the textures didn't follow suit.  So it's pink and black checkers so far.

Also, trying to set the game dir doesn't display the L4D2 folder once selected.

Like I said, it works 80% of the way for me. 


I have the solutions. I will be releasing an update sometime today (maybe not until this evening EST).

Essentially, you can fix this by opening the batch files that WWMT creates for your models and textures and adding this info:

-game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead"

So for the model add it after studiomdl.exe:

studiomdl.exe -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead" ...

and for the materials add it after vtex.exe:

vtex.exe -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead"  ...

Of course, the path may be different if you installed it somewhere else.

If it doesn't make sense... you can just wait for my update.


Actually... I've got the update done now. Version 0.999.

To get L4D to work... there is a new button in the Settings Floater you need to set. You'll need to set the Game Info Dir which is explained here.


dear sir i also have a issue with the L4D 2. i have set up the program as stated in the video you have but when i go to the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead
i have the following file folders (bin)  (materialsrc) (models) but no (modelssrc) folder is there a different spot this folder is in.
thank you for your time and any help i would be greatful i am trying to learn.


Quote from: ROMOAS on December 01, 2011, 04:17:49 AM
dear sir i also have a issue with the L4D 2....i have the following file folders (bin)  (materialsrc) (models) but no (modelssrc) folder is there a different spot this folder is in.

Hi Romoas... all you need to do is create a folder called modelsrc alongside the materialsrc folder. You should then be good to go. (Make sure also to set the Game Info Dir to your left4dead2 folder since l4d, l4d2 and Portal 2 also need that to compile correctly. There is a link above for an explanation of the Game Info Dir.


just a note as to hat i did please advise me if you see anything that needs correcting.

first off i am using Win 7 and 3Ds max 2012. i state the ver i am using do to it
does not look like the windows in the ui that you show.

i am setting this up for modeling for Left4Dead 2

in the export options.
i set pick model root. i pointed it to:
local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- left4dead2- modelsrc = note the folder you stated for me to make...

i set pick material root. i pointed it to:
local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- left4dead2- materialsrc...........

i set Bin Dir i pointed it to:
local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- bin.   this was the only folder that had the vtex.exe and the  studiomdl.exe in it  or does this need to be in the bin under orange box???

i set the Game info Dir i pointed it to:
local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- left4dead2.

i went and made a folder named wallworm in:
local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- left4dead2- modelsrc folder.

and also made a folder named wallworm in:
local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- left4dead2- materialsrc folder.

in the model Defaults UI.
Default Model Path i put wallworm

in the Default Material Path i put wormwall

then i clicked the add to menu buttom and it stated there is now a Wall Worm item in the Menu bar. i hit ok.
and it shows in the Menu bar.
under the wall worm menu i show
wall worm model tools.
WW displacement tool.
Wall worm sky writer.
Worm face.
Wall worm utilities. this opens a sub with 7 other menus.

i have tried to explane this as a step by step way i have done it. can you if you have the time see if i need any corrections
i get the way you did it with your system but as you said left4dead2 is a little different and i don't want to mess things up .
thank you for your quick responce on my org post.
i am looking forward to using your tools alot thanks.


Sorry... I obviously didn't use my brain when I read your post.

The following folders (modelsrc, materialsrc and mapsrc) need to be set inside the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\sdk_content

So those folders (if they don't exist) must be made in that directory. And you settings for them inside WWMT must be set to those folders in that directory.

Your bin directory, however, is correct.


thank you very much for all your help.
i'm the one that did not use my gray matter i have corrected where the settings need to point.
i do have one more question.
there is a button in the WWMT that you did not cover its the Default Map Folder is this to not be set or do i set it to my:

local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- sdk_content- mapsrc
folder ?
other than that i should be good to go and i am re-reading your entire site again.
thank you for all your help.


Quote from: ROMOAS on December 02, 2011, 04:31:41 PM
i do have one more question.
there is a button in the WWMT that you did not cover its the Default Map Folder is this to not be set or do i set it to my:

local Disk (C:) - program files (x86)- steam- steamapps- common- left4dead2- sdk_content- mapsrc
folder ?

Correct. That setting is used with the displacement tool when exporting a VMF containing displacements and model placement.

Quote from: ROMOAS on December 02, 2011, 04:31:41 PM
thank you for all your help.

You are welcome. Please share samples of your projects here so we can all see what you are doing.  :)


i'm abit lost on this error i'm sending you a screen shot of it all folders are in the correct places.
when i export the model i can view it in the model viewer and use it in game but the texture shows as a checker board still.
do you know of any sites with free textures if the form as .TGA  as well the i have used the GCFscape from wonder the other site but it will not load at all and sent a info reg to the maker.
sorry to be such a pain.  sent my screen shot as a attachment thanks.


I would suggest removing the map from the Ambient slot of the material. Right-click the ambient slot in the material editor and then choose clear. Then re-export the texture.

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