Wallworm in Max2013

Started by KevinLongtime, July 16, 2012, 12:03:53 AM

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Download WWMT 1.873 and it should work faster now.


Alrighty, after my gaming binge of being away from my games for 7 months, I've went ahead with setting up and trying out the latest version of WWMT on my main computer and gave it a try with explicit normals option on.

From the time of clicking compile it took about 4 seconds for the whole process to complete. Seems to be very efficient now and I thank you again for your hard work! The [non-painfull] creation process begins :)


Well that's certainly better than the 45 seconds it took before!


Alright, so I have been doing tons of testing and all along the way have been running into some oddities in lighting/shading which at first I thought was due to some sort of limitation in Source and Source Filmmaker.

However, after doing some comparisons of exports of mine done on the same models with Wunderboys SMD exporter and yours, I am finding that the normals coming from your version of the SMD exporter do not seem to be all that accurate (well, in terms of shading that is). The edges themselves look right and arn't smoothed out of proportion like the last version of the tool, but its the shading (and shadowing in more advanced lighting senarios) that is somehow thrown off. For example, a model of mine exported with your exporter would show up very overly dark with ambient occlusion on in Source Filmmaker and there is shadowing even in parts not needing shadowing; but with wunderboys, the crevices and other things that would normally shadow in real life are accurately represented and are not generally overdarkened and light is able to be casted on them properly without acting weird. Another example is if a model in tf2 has a white silhouette highlighting just slightly around the edges, they look fine when exported with wunderboys, but with the built in WWMT exporter, you can see the white highlights happening sort of all around the model even in the front and not just the edges. If you need some pictures to show what I mean I can do that, but for now I was just giving you a heads up incase you might know whats causing it because it is a shame I'm only allowed to use the legacy texturer exporter with wunderboys while the shading is acting up. Since I'm on my main computer now I can just use Wunderboys for the time being again


Send me a couple side-by-side SMD files using the two exporters and I see if I can extrapolate the cause.


do you need just the SMD files or do you want the texture/directory setup aswell?


Please create the simplest scene possible that demonstrates this (even a cube if it shows up that way)... Name the model in WWMT something like WWMTnormals and export; then change exporter to Wunderboy, change model name to Wunderboynormals and export with new name. Then send me the original Max scene along with the SMDs/QCs/batch files created by WW and Wunderboy.

That will help me figure it out.

I'm pretty busy working on a level so probably won't get around to finding a solution immediately unless the answer is obvious right away.

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