WWMT 1.8 Released

Started by wallworm, July 10, 2012, 04:04:11 PM

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Version 1.8 released on 7-10-2012

Added vtex compile parameter normal 1 when exporting normal maps. This parameter gets written to the texture's compile configuration file. Normal maps no longer get any compression setting in the config file.
Fixed incorrect usage of $selfillum_envmapmask_alpha for textures.
Updated brush exporter to include these new settings: Compression, Shader, Surface Property and detail type. These options get output into the VMT of brush materials.
Updated the Brush material exporter to add properties of submaterials a blend material. Now the various properties (bumpmap, env_mapmask, etc) get exported for the basetexture and the basetexture2 materials of WorldVertexTransition materials.
Added checkbox in the Brush Materials exporter that will simply write the VMT (material) file instead of export VTFs.
Updated VMF Exporter to interpret face material names in a new manner. This change may not affect you... but if your materials aren't correct in the VMF, you may need to add or remove the trailing slash in your material names. The names of materials now get written like this: For a Standard Material that has a diffuse bitmap, the name is generated from the material name + the diffuse bitmap texture IF AND ONLY IF the material name ends with a trailing slash. Otherwise, the face material name is the material's name.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when loading a file with WW displacements where the underlying brush helper or that helper's displacement was deleted.
Updated the functions to collect assets (for PAK or resfile generator or material exporter) to include materials on displacements.
Updated the functions to collect assets (for PAK or resfile generator or material exporter) to check if the file exists before adding to the list. Writes to the MAXScript listener if files are not found and skipped.
Updated brush material exporter to use the WW convention of only working on selected objects. If none selected, uses all scene objects. When gathering from all scen
Removed the 2048 and 4096 options for Displacement sizes. Changed the default size from 1024 to 512.
Changed WWMT to no longer auto collect parent bones in WWMT models. Only bones in a model's skin and those assigned to the WWMT will be exported.
Updated VMF Exporter to 1.5. This version accounts for the new texture transform settings that can export in the VMTs.
Added new setting in WW Settings called VMT Texture Transforms. When checked, the material exporter will include texture transforms in the VMTs and the VMF Exporter will ignore texture transforms in the VMF uaxis/vaxis values--and will only embed UVW coordinates in the VMF.
Remove automatic check for WWMT updates that was added to WW recently. That function caused lag when starting up WW and the computer had no access to the internet or the WW server was down.
Added new menu item under Wall Worm Online called Check for Updates. The function will retrieve the latest version number of WW from the WW server. If it is newer than the installed version, you'll get a notification of the update and be sent to the changelog web page.


Updated Blah, Blah, Blah
Removed Blah, Blah, Blah
Fixed Blah, Blah, Blah
Added Blah. Blah, Blah
Changed Blah, Blah, Blah

Translation: This thing is awesome, it is formatted in awesomeness, it helps you be awesome, it facilitates awesomeness, and we are hard at work making it even more awesome.

Thanks for reading. Have a great day.

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