Scout's collision model

Started by XPxanderXP, June 08, 2012, 12:49:57 PM

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That is interesting. At this point, the only way I will know what is wrong is if you send me the Max file.


and do you have any luck figuring out what's wrong?


I briefly looked at the file but haven't had a lot of time. My first impression is that it has a bunch of extraneous stuff. My guess is that you've been testing blindly on the model with wwmt :) Which is good... but at the state the file is in... I'd be tempted to just start over with a fresh scene that has no WWMT model info.

In any event, I will give more informative suggestions when I get some more time. I just wanted to make a comment so that you didn't feel neglected.


Yeah I had to experiment with the wwmt. Perhaps I should have made a back up of my animation. Oh well worth it. Learned allot from it. Also I appreciate your help allot. Oh and I figured out that I couldn't do any facial animations on the scout's model. Is there a way to enable that trough the WWMT so I can animate them in the SDK?


Yes you can. You have to do the head as its own model. But here are the general instructions:

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