Model Compiling as prop_ragdoll instead of prop_dynamic.

Started by foks, September 19, 2017, 09:50:50 AM

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Hey all.
So I've been trying to compile this model I have been working on and I'm having a spot of trouble, I have been running into the same issue with each iteration whilst attempting to find a solution.
I'm not sure if this is an inherent issue with how Garry's Mod is handling my models or whether or not it's an issue with compiling. The intended use of the model is to be used as an entity.
I've compiled with $collisionmodel which works as intended, it animates perfectly fine, however there is no animated collision model (which I know is the correct result). I however want the model to animate the collision mesh alongside the model, I have done this with bones and one again it compiles fine, I've looked int mdlviewer an confirmed that the mesh does animate also, whilst attempting to use the model in-game it however spawns as ragdoll instead of a prop.
I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me solve this issue. I've attached a few gifs below alongside my max document.

Preview of model compiled with $collisionmodel flag.

Same as above, just with the animations

Preview of model compiled with $collisionjoints, as you can see it is no longer a prop and is a ragdoll, this is an unintended outcome.

Same as above, this time previewed in mdlveiwer to make sure the physics mesh is animating
(Ignore the textures, they werent present for testing purposes)


I will provide some more feedback when back in my office in a few days.

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