[FIXED] Incorrect Texture alignment in VMF

Started by wallworm, February 08, 2012, 11:44:41 AM

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The VMF Exporter now inside the Wall Worm tools does not yet export accurate texture coordinates. That is a major issue right now... so at the moment you must still use Hammer to align the textures of your World Geometry.

What you can do to make it easier is open the exported VMF in Hammer, click the Map menu item and click the menu for Check for Problems. Then select one of the items mentioning an incorrect texture alignment and press the Fix all of Type button.

I am trying to solve this problem right now. If you happen to know any MAXScript, please feel free to share input. The problem is stated in detail here.


So the update I released today makes this problem a little better. But still has a way to go.

PS. For anyone not understanding how to export the world geometry... you have to assign the objects as world brushes. To do that... select the objects, open the WW Displacement Tool and then click the Add Bursh Geometry button. The selected geometry is then assigned as world geometry. Remember to only use convex geometry for this purpose! There is a check in the assignment for whether the object is convex... but if you later change the topology and it loses convexity... then it will create an invalid brush in Hammer.

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