CSGO viewmodel sequences.

Started by Revizion, January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM

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Hello, Shawn! At first i want to say a big thanks to you with your previous help,i imported all maps i needed very easy, and they have almost all geo and textures.
But, today, i need your help again. I came to the point, when i can start to make animated movie, but one last thing stops me.
I know, there is way to import  CSGO's viewmodel weapons with it's first person sequences(shots, reloads etc), but, i want to know, how to import them with arms attached. I know there is a way, but i dont know how. Does WW allow you to bind bones to bones or something in this kind? For exampe, i import deagle, through qc, with animation, and then import arms, is there a way to transfer (weapon's bones) animation to arms' bones or actualy BIND arms to weapon? Thanks in advance! Happy New Year!


Quote from: Revizion on January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM
Hello, Shawn! At first i want to say a big thanks to you with your previous help,i imported all maps i needed very easy
You are welcome.

Quote from: Revizion on January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM
Thanks in advance! Happy New Year!
Quote from: Revizion on January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM
i need your help again. I came to the point, when i can start to make animated movie, but one last thing stops me.
I know, there is way to import  CSGO's viewmodel weapons with it's first person sequences(shots, reloads etc), but, i want to know, how to import them with arms attached. I know there is a way, but i dont know how. Does WW allow you to bind bones to bones or something in this kind? For exampe, i import deagle, through qc, with animation, and then import arms, is there a way to transfer (weapon's bones) animation to arms' bones or actualy BIND arms to weapon?

I don't do much with importing assets into Max, so haven't tried this directly. But the imported scenes are simply standard hierarchies and animations. So all you really need to do is import the arms QC then import the guns QC. The second import should reuse the existing bones and attach that way. But if it doesn't you can import them into two different files... then in the gun scene delete the character bones--then import the gun Max scene into the hand scene and then link the gun bones to the correct bone in the hand system.


Quote from: wallworm on January 03, 2017, 02:31:51 PM
Quote from: Revizion on January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM
Hello, Shawn! At first i want to say a big thanks to you with your previous help,i imported all maps i needed very easy
You are welcome.

Quote from: Revizion on January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM
Thanks in advance! Happy New Year!
Quote from: Revizion on January 03, 2017, 08:05:07 AM
i need your help again. I came to the point, when i can start to make animated movie, but one last thing stops me.
I know, there is way to import  CSGO's viewmodel weapons with it's first person sequences(shots, reloads etc), but, i want to know, how to import them with arms attached. I know there is a way, but i dont know how. Does WW allow you to bind bones to bones or something in this kind? For exampe, i import deagle, through qc, with animation, and then import arms, is there a way to transfer (weapon's bones) animation to arms' bones or actualy BIND arms to weapon?

I don't do much with importing assets into Max, so haven't tried this directly. But the imported scenes are simply standard hierarchies and animations. So all you really need to do is import the arms QC then import the guns QC. The second import should reuse the existing bones and attach that way. But if it doesn't you can import them into two different files... then in the gun scene delete the character bones--then import the gun Max scene into the hand scene and then link the gun bones to the correct bone in the hand system.
Okay, thank you very much, i will try that.


Unfortunately, didn't help (except binding weapon to hand bone, but this removes possibility to reload (i.e. magz binded to their own bones, and if i bind weapon, magazine bindes too), okay, it's not very complicated, ill do animation by my self. Thanks, good luck!

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