Wall Worm 2.851 Released

Started by wallworm, August 03, 2016, 09:43:30 AM

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Version 2.851 released on 8-3-2016

   * Sky Writer: Fixed bug in Sky Writer that removed the alpha channel even when the color channels is set to 32bits.
   *Sky Writer: Fixed bug exporting Sky Writer and the BATCH file for compiling the sky gets locked and unwritable--blocking Sky Writer from updating properly.
   * Sky Writer: Fixed issue where Sky Writer was using unnecessary disk space by making two copies of the TGA file that differed only in name.
   * Sky Writer: Added new parameter for using Premultiplied Alpha (on by default).
   * Sky Writer: Added a new method to create a cubecross bitmap from a refract_map().
   * Sky Writer: Updated Sky Writer nodes to have their pivots at the object center when created.
   * PFM: Updated PFM exporter to support exporting grayscale PFM files.
   * PFM: Updated the PFM exporter formatting to not use newlines in the text header. This increased compatibility with MAXScript parsing.
   * PFM: Added new PFM loading function to load PFM files into Max. No UI for this yet. Only works on specifically formatted PFM files (for examply, PFM files created with Sky Writer before this update will not load).


Version 2.852 released on 8-3-2016

   * PFM: Updated the PFM exporter formatting to use newlines in the text header again. This was changed in 2.851 to fix a problem with re-importing the PFM with MAXScript but created problems with VTEX. So the previous format of the headers was reverted. This breaks the current function for importing PFM into Max... but there is no UI for that yet anyway so should not affect any users.


Version 2.853 released on 8-6-2016

   * MacroScripts: Added new macroscript "Display Selected Object Dimensions". This function will display the X/Y/Z dimensions in world space of each selected object when on. Available in the "wallworm.com" category.

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