Bring IT!!!

Started by Infidel, February 21, 2011, 06:32:25 PM

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Lets get this party started and roast us some PUMP!!!! Muahahahahahahaha


are you saying you want to eat me?


Even though I am super sure that you would truly enjoy such an experience, I must decline that that is the intended result of the roasting. It instead had the desired result of improving your unbelievably foul stench. Hopefully with the reduction in this offensive odor it will decrease the fog within your head and you can actually get some maps out.


I'm pacing myself. If I release too many maps at once people may combust from pure over-awesomness.


Pace? You call that a pace? Thats a crawl!! You would move faster if your wife threw you into the well in your living room.... hey I wonder if we could buy her off? Anyways... one map with missing textures does not count as pacing ones self. But, you can dream that way if you like... it'll be your lil' secret.


Again we have a failed attempt by the lousy Whoreatio Chump. Trying to switch the focus of all Wallworms from his ineptness and lack of mapping skills, to my attempt at mapping satire. I am beginning to think he is one of those Liberal media types... perhaps since his mapping skills are so atrocious he could get a job at MSNBC.


liberal!!! well i do liberally spread my immense wisdom if thats what you mean


Unless you include your terrible smell you have nothing to liberally spread (except those STDs you got from the sheep in your childhood)...

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