Wall Worm 2.8 Released

Started by wallworm, May 04, 2016, 01:46:30 PM

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Version 2.8 released on 5-4-2016

   * VMF Exporter: Added standard entity support for PropLine and ForestPro. Previously, only Detailer and WWMT Proxies were used for props in Forest and PropLine.
   * Entities: Fixed bug in WW Pro Entities when using the Load Mesh Buttons for prop entities in scenes that were closed and re-opened. Requires Entity Cache Reparse.
   * Entities: Updated function to load from Prop Library to default to the correct prop library path even if not specific path was set in global settings.
   * Entities: Updated function to load from Prop Library to alert the user that no props were found if the prop library path doesn't exist.

WW Pro customers need to download the update from the WW store account page.


Version 2.801 released on 5-5-2016

   * Hull Helper: Added new buttons to run some of the functions that were previously only available via customizing the Max UI.
   * Hull Helper: Updated the Hull Helper Macorscripts to use the vertex limit set in the Hull Helper UI.
   * Hull Helper: Updated Hull Helper to remember last vertex limit setting.
   * Hull Helper: Fixed bugs running the Hull Helper Macroscripts if other WW tools were not launched first in the Max session.
   * System: Updated the the Update WW function to send the user to the WW Store page to download WW Pro updates instead of downloading the standard WW and overwriting. This is because WW Pro updates often need downloading the WW Pro DLL updates, which are not included in the standard WW updater.


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