WW Anvil MacroScript bug

Started by wallworm, March 23, 2016, 03:57:47 PM

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There is a bug in WW right now that if you try to run a function that calls the Anvil initializing macroscript, there is an error. Until I update WW, you can copy this script below:

macroScript WallWormAnvilInitiateMCR
tooltip:"Load Anvil Functions"
buttontext:"Load Anvil Functions"
    on execute do (
        macros.run "wallworm.com" "WallWormInitialize"
        if ::wallworm_installation_path != undefined AND doesFileExist ::wallworm_installation_path then (

            if (maxVersion())[1] >= 12000 then (
                fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/WallWormUtilities/WalkableXView.ms")
            fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/common/mse/fgd2.mse")
            fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/WallWormSimpleDisplacement/wwdt_event_funcs.ms")
            fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/common/mse/wallwormVMF.mse")
            fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/custom_attributes/displacements.ms")
            fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/WallWormSimpleDisplacement/anvil_funcs.ms")
            fileIn (::wallworm_installation_path + "/WallWorm.com/common/ww_common_funcs.ms")
        ) else (

Then in Max, click MAXScript > MAXScript Editor and paste the code into a new script. Then click Tools > Evaluate All. That will patch the error until I can update WW.


This bug is fixed in latest WW update.

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