Wall Worm 2.79 Released

Started by wallworm, April 04, 2016, 11:36:09 PM

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Version 2.79 released on 3-29-2016

   * SMD Exporter: Updated the face material name to not add a file type extension when a material name already includes a file extension when exporting to Goldsource.

   * SMD Importer: Updated the SMD importer to detect when a mesh is skinned to only one bone. If so, the mesh skips adding a skin modifier and instead is linked to the parent bone. This can dramatically speed up import times since the Skin modifier isn't needed in these cases.

   * SMD Importer: Fixed bug when importing a Reference SMD but the SMD is missing triangle data.
   * SMD Exporter: Minor optimization to export static props faster.
   * WWMT: Fixed $alwayscollapse not writing to the QC in some circumstances.
   * Settings: Added new setting in Model Tab for "Write Sequence Activities as Integers". This setting should be turned on if you are compiling to CSGO as it circumvents a bug in CSGO's current studiomdl.exe.
   * Textures: Added new utility to the Bitmaps to Materials floater to create dynamic substance-driven materials with a tri-planar mapping technique that does not require UVW Mapping at all (no modifiers or channels needed). Works best with Bitmap2Material on system.
   * Materials: Updated the ( Black Mesa) WorldVertexTransition Shader to no longer use self-shadowing. It was not working correctly.
   * Settings: Added new setting for integrating Noesis into Wall Worm.
   * Importer: Added initial integration of Noesis to import MDL files if the QC cannot be found. This is currently only used with the Prop Library from VMF file function.


Version 2.791 released on 4-5-2016

   * Materials: Updated the Blended Maps function in Bitmaps to Materials to show thumbnails of the bitmaps.


Version 2.793 released on 4-7-2016

   * Materials: Added new options for controlling tiling parameter instancing in Blended Maps function in Bitmaps to Materials. Can now choose No Instancing, Instance All and Instance Each Axis Separately.
   * Settings: Added new path setting for storing the Wall Worm Prop Library files.
   * WWMT: Changed WWMT Prop Library save function to save library props to the path desginated in global settings.
   * VMF Importer: Updated the VMF Importer to lookup prop library props based on the new global prop library path setting.

Version 2.792 released on 4-5-2016

   * Materials: Fixed Blended Maps Randomize Files function in Bitmaps to Materials to not drop any of the current textures.
   * Materials: Added right-click for Get Random Files button. When using Right-Click, all projection textures will use same random bitmap.

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