(updated) Back face is appearing when

Started by onur89tr, January 21, 2016, 09:32:26 PM

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This problem is for my all used alpha materials. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance. :)



So they are all only on the wrong side?

If so, then here is some advice. Each polygon has one side that appears and one that doesn't. Sometimes you can't tell which side that is in Max because Max default's to not hiding the back face. If this is a problem for you, then I suggest going to Customize > Preferences > Viewport Tab and turning on Backface Cull on Object Creation. That won't affect existing objects.

For an existing object, right click it in the viewport and click the Backface Cull checkbox in the General tab.

Now Max should match in game.

To fix the side that has your texture, you have a couple options. If the whole object is wrong, add a Normal modifier to the object and mack sure the Flip checkbox is on. If only some and the object is an editable poly, go to Polygon sub-object mode, select the faces that are reversed and click the Flip button in the modify tab.

If this is not the problem at all and there is what is called a sorting order problem (where the face is correct until something specific is behind it) then you may want to set the transparent material to use $alphatest. There is an option for this if you have applied a WW Source settings to your material.


I tried backface culling and using alpha test. But some objects isn't fixed. Some objects fixed when I exported that parts as different model. (You can see my new models too. :) ) I searched that in Google, someone says "tjunc problem". I don't know what is it...

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