CS:GO Maps in 3DS MAX

Started by badepe, December 26, 2015, 08:45:21 PM

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I tried to import some CS:GO maps into 3DS MAX, but it was literally impossible, the maximum I did is imporing it but without materials, I need the maps for 3D Animation and I am not a Source Engine expert, can anyone send me a working converted Dust 2 and Inferno with materials?

Thank you really much


Quote from: badepe on December 26, 2015, 08:45:21 PM
it was literally impossible

That's an extreme statement.

Look into the WW docs on the Material Library Generator. Setting that up will get your results. I've imported these maps several times in tests.


Can anyone, just simply send it please? :D


I personally make it a general policy to not port assets for people. The best solution is to learn how to use WW. Once you have the settings down and know the procedure, it's fairly straightforward.

You may want to hold off as there is an update coming to WW probably later today to make importing a little easier.

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