Old School Level Design Contest #1

Started by wallworm, January 04, 2016, 12:25:22 PM

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Judge #2 added: Will2K whom you've probably seen over the years all over the CS and mapping communities. WOOT! Thanks Will!


Only four days left!!! I'm excited to see some of the results!

Joris Ceoen

So 18th of March is the final date, does that mean I can still submit my entry at 11h59 PM (of the 18th)? If not, then I'm screwed. In any event, I will submit a dev version of what the map should have been in textured version and will aim for a better spot in the next contest.

I'm very curious to see what other people come up with!


Yes, Joris, you can submit at the final minute :)


Should have posted this: Mathias made this for the contest: WW Contest  Deadline Clock


I'm in the same boat as Joris, mine is either going to be unfinished or rough around the edges.  I blame those masochists who voted for an early deadline.  Even if I don't finish I will post what I've done for curiositys sake.  I kinda regret making a level with curved slopes and the resulting geometry issues that can result. 

Joris Ceoen

Quote from: the6thmonkey on March 18, 2016, 05:40:22 AMI blame those masochists who voted for an early deadline.
Well, when I released my contest entry for the Famous Landmarks contest on GB there was a vote for when to extend the deadline, and because I was fairly confident of my entry I voted for the earliest deadline available. Competitive-wise I see the reason why some would do it. But then they better come up with something good because if not I don't see the point at all xD


3 more weeks seemed like quite a lot of time before life took 2 of them for other stuff and I now probably can't complete my map without cracking vbsp.exe... if even possible..
I only have 2000 brushes, but I got so many angles on them that the compiler runs out of numbers to define planes with since it can only store up to 16 bit numbers. (aka 65536 planes)
I have the ability to complete my map but it seems pointless when it can't be compiled, and believe it or not this map would be a wasteland with only the 1500 brushes I'm allowed.
Feels quite unfair to be so low on brushes but still reach these dumb limits..

I would not mind a week or two extention to try to crack vbsp.exe as it seems you guys wouln't either, poor Shawn would have to wait longer tho.


Here's a snapshot of the map i was making before i was forced to use the dark side...

If you know what i mean...


I really feel sorry to bail on this project.
I was intending to create a small scifi-ish themed map related to the black mesa universe.

Joris Ceoen

Quote from: warmeup on March 18, 2016, 01:57:36 PM
I really feel sorry to bail on this project.
I was intending to create a small scifi-ish themed map related to the black mesa universe.
TBH that geometry, I can't even see how it can end up being brush. Model, sure, but not brushes xD I think you should read more about the difference between Concave, Convex and planar. Source only accepts planar brush geometry.

I think that the next contest, which I think will allow models, will be easier to elaborate on your projects, but you should really understand the basic principles of brush geometry before you can start designing a level in 3DS Max. Not just max but Hammer as well, for that matter.


Quote from: Joris Ceoen on March 18, 2016, 02:20:44 PM
TBH that geometry, I can't even see how it can end up being brush.
It may not be immediately apparent because it's in Clay display mode, but it's probably composed of brushes. Because it's in clay mode and because edges aren't displayed, it probably just has the illusion of not being brushes.

Come guys! I can't wait to see what you've got! :)


Quote from: Joris Ceoen on March 18, 2016, 02:20:44 PM
Quote from: warmeup on March 18, 2016, 01:57:36 PM
I really feel sorry to bail on this project.
I was intending to create a small scifi-ish themed map related to the black mesa universe.
TBH that geometry, I can't even see how it can end up being brush. Model, sure, but not brushes xD I think you should read more about the difference between Concave, Convex and planar. Source only accepts planar brush geometry.

I think that the next contest, which I think will allow models, will be easier to elaborate on your projects, but you should really understand the basic principles of brush geometry before you can start designing a level in 3DS Max. Not just max but Hammer as well, for that matter.

no it's optimal, i broke down that geometry and it got exported into source with no problems.

Edit: by optimal i mean clean.


For each submission, please post a new thread in Finished Levels or WIP Levels (if you plan on taking the level further with models, etc, after the contest). And post a link to it here.

Please give information about your journey to this point, future plans, what you learned, screen shots (in Max & in-game).

Remember to send me an email with a download link for the Max scene as well as your compiled levels. For Max, it's easiest to click File > Save As... > Archive. That will create a ZIP file of the scene and it's dependent files (like images). For the BSP,  the easiest method is to make a RES file with WW > WW Level Design > Wall Worm Misc Tools > Res File. Check all the options that apply (this should mainly be Materials, sounds, etc)/ If you PAKED these into the BSP, then you may still create this if there are assets that the map cannot PAK and need to be separate--just make sure that the RES file doesn't include the assets that got PAKED. After you have a RES file, click the Zip From Res button in the RES File floater... which will generate a ZIP file of all the assets in the RES.

Now load both the game Zips and the Max archive ZIP to a location I can download and email the download links to me. You should make the game download link public and include it in the thread you post. The Max archive link should remain private unless you want people to have your original files.

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