WW Pro Registration problems

Started by the6thmonkey, December 27, 2015, 06:57:38 AM

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I've finally got round to installing wallworm pro, which I bought a while back. 
Unfortunately I reach installation stage 15 (registration) and encounter the mentioned,
error where I am forwarded to the ww pro web page. 
I think the error may be because of the firewall permissions. 
Would it be possible to get an explanation on how to allow max to connect though my
Thanks for the help

Joris Ceoen

Which Firewall do you have? Usually (like in AVG, for example) you can turn off complete firewall protection for like 15mins, or just for the time needed for registration. It should be possible with every firewall I know of, even Defender from Windows.


I just found how to disable my firewall (windows defender) and it worked.  Thanks for the help, I'll make sure to search a little harder next time I encounter an issue :)


Ahh, glad you sorted it out. One thing is that you also need to make sure to follow the instructions to unblock the files with windows explorer because by default Windows will not allow you to copy any use the DLLs in WW Pro.


Don't worry, the rest of the installation went without a problem

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