WW 2.74 Released

Started by wallworm, December 24, 2015, 01:46:22 PM

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Version 2.74 released on 12-24-2015

   * Settings: Added new setting for project folder for Source presets. When a folder is set for a preset, changing to that preset will change the current Max project folder to match. This helps when you use different settings and paths for your projects, such as when working on two branches of the same game or you are working on two non-overlapping projects in the same game.
   * Settings: Added new setting for SMD/VTA/DMX vertex position precision default. Now you can set the default precision of the vertex position decimal points. Default is 6 decimal places.
   * WWMT: Added new spinner for Vertex precision. Controlled in the modify tab of a WWMT Helper (not in the WWMT Floater).
   * SMD Exporter: Added spinner for vertex position decimal precision.
   * VMT Exporter: Optimized material list generation for export times.
   * WWMT: Fixed LOD Materials not getting collected properly during VMT/VTF export.
   * WWMT: Fixed error exporting a model via WWMT after an LOD was deleted.
   * Materials: Added new global object called wallworm_materialOps. This object contains many methods for working with Materials in Max. Some previous global functions have been moved into this object as methods. Some globals still exist but are migrating into methods of this object.
   * VMF Importer: Updated the UV Fix utility to automatically change plane and material values when the current selection changed.
   * VMF Importer: Updated the UV Fix utility to allow setting UV plane and material to more than a single face selection.
   * VMF Importer: Fixed bug in UV Fix utility when setting the material and no faces were selected.


Hello again, mate. I'm very sorry but, I do not understand this: I'm using Turn To Poly modifier to convert my objects to "convex". But it's not become splitted. Should I do split that edges manually, or is there a way for split "unsplitted but sliced edges"?


Quote from: onur89tr on December 24, 2015, 06:12:07 PM
Hello again, mate. I'm very sorry but, I do not understand this: I'm using Turn To Poly modifier to convert my objects to "convex". But it's not become splitted. Should I do split that edges manually, or is there a way for split "unsplitted but sliced edges"?

I'd need a little more details on this as I'm not entirely clear.

Also, a mini update to WW today:

Version 2.741 released on 12-25-2015

   * VTF Exporter: Fixed bug exporting large quantities of textures at once and some textures are represented multiple times in multiple texture nodes in Slate.
   * Settings: Fixed the new Project parameter not displaying when re-opening Max.

And the new video:



Thanks mate. I will watch your video soon.

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