Decals import Bug and wrong paths.

Started by SairesArt, December 13, 2015, 11:35:20 AM

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reviving this thread.
Just retested with newest WallWorm version and Map importer Version (1.71)


  • Image 1: Tiled overlays get streched wrong. (Height ignored)
  • Image 2: Wrong sized overlays
  • Image 3: No decal import. (Windows on the left side)

Thanks for awesome underground fixing work. Issues 1 and 2 are fixed leaving 3: Decals (infodecal) still don't import. 100% reproducable. The just remain proxies.

Next Problem is, that 1 in 20 Props import with a wrong Material path and have to be reassigned correctly.
So 95% of props works, but the 5% percent looks like [Image 4] with these wrong paths: (nt being the 2006 source mod name)


And has to be corrected to this:

All these failed mat imports have one thing in common:

  • They link to the model folder, instead of the material folder.
  • They navigate to their model path
  • and then just add their proper texture path to the end whatever reason
  • and lastly adress the extensions wrong (.vmt.tga)

Everything setup nicely and correctly, but in some cases its Model-path + texture path slapped onto + extension slapped onto wrongly.

Is this a WW vs Source2006 Compatibility issue? Is it a map problem? (Mapped almost 8 years ago, not by me, but worked perfect)
Can I do something to fix it on my end? Do you need additional info?
It's kinda worrying since, I started on the project again and am looking at 8 maps to be imported - fixing hundreds of decals and reapplying hundreds of missing models.


Thanks for reporting. I'll look into these as soon as possible. Probably later in the week.


Quote from: wallworm on December 13, 2015, 11:56:39 PM
Thanks for reporting. I'll look into these as soon as possible. Probably later in the week.
Well lets do some bug reporting, while we are at it.

Delete prop library, import map -> Map imports without props, click import props from map entities and the following happens:
It builds the library, but after it built it, it stays in a loop of 100% one core util (like always during import) and never stops, even after 3 hours.
Then I open a new 3dsmax window, import map again and now it draws from the prop library and imports all props after 7 mins.


Thanks for reporting. It might be best to click Build Prop Library from VMF first then import the VMF. Too caught up in work ATM to really look into this. I've got it on my TODO though. Keep reporting your finds.


Quote from: wallworm on December 19, 2015, 02:22:01 PM
I've got it on my TODO though.
Any insights on broken decal import and wrong file paths?
Is it wallworm side or mod setup side?


The decal orientation is a problem in WW. Overlays generally import fine because the entity contains the faces that the overlay applies to. Decals, however, are just a point in space--and it's up to the tools to guess what face it should be applied to... which I haven't spent a lot of time doing yet. I know of this issue but currently don't consider it a high priority of my time considering that this is just a display issue in Max (the same entity will re-export properly as a decal back into Source). I know that those doing animations/renders want this, though. So it's something I intend to get to when I have time, but it's just not at the top of the list.

The bad path is something I've never seen. Send me a stripped down VMF/VMT/VTF/QC/SMD collection with just the objects that are importing with the wrong path.


Quote from: wallworm on December 25, 2015, 11:23:39 AMSend me a stripped down VMF/VMT/VTF/QC/SMD collection with just the objects that are importing with the wrong path.
Merry Christmas :D

luckily everything is mostly overlays, but thanks for the insight, I will work around it.
I saved a small testmap and copied models / materials. All props in the scene are broken as mentioned, there are couple more.
Here is the 4 mb zip:

edit: is there a way to get the material from the proxy infodecal entitiy?
If you have it selected, there are no propeties that point to the material or texture. Do I have to open up the map in hammer and analyze the decal, just to find out which texture it uses?

edit2: minor new bug since last update: all imported displacements show up as black in the viewport, but export, render and have textures and materials applied just fine. Minor annoyance, but no actual problem.


Quote from: SairesArt on December 25, 2015, 04:49:55 PM
I saved a small testmap and copied models / materials. All props in the scene are broken as mentioned, there are couple more.

Got file. Probably won't look into it tonight but will soon.

Quote from: SairesArt on December 25, 2015, 04:49:55 PM
edit: is there a way to get the material from the proxy infodecal entitiy?
If you have it selected, there are no propeties that point to the material or texture. Do I have to open up the map in hammer and analyze the decal, just to find out which texture it uses?
In WW, these are controlled by the actual Material. So open up Slate and use the material picker tool to get the material of the decal. This is also how you change the material... just change what material is on the decal/overlay.

Quote from: SairesArt on December 25, 2015, 04:49:55 PM
edit2: minor new bug since last update: all imported displacements show up as black in the viewport, but export, render and have textures and materials applied just fine. Minor annoyance, but no actual problem.

Odd, I did tests and did not notice this. But I'm also using a newer displacement shader that Black Mesa commissioned. That shader is being shared to the general WW userbase (courtesy of Black Mesa) as soon as I get time to update my build programs and test it a little more. It includes display of realtime bumpmapping as well as blendmodulation.

In the meantime, try changing the display channel for your displacements to vertex color or vertex alpha, that might have an effect. Those are object settings in Max.


Quote from: wallworm on December 26, 2015, 12:18:19 AM
In WW, these are controlled by the actual Material. So open up Slate and use the material picker tool to get the material of the decal. This is also how you change the material... just change what material is on the decal/overlay.
Obviously that's the first thing I tried, but the infodecal proxy does not have a material. You cannot get one from the decal proxys. Nothing there.

Quote from: wallworm on December 26, 2015, 12:18:19 AM
Got file. Probably won't look into it tonight but will soon.
Many thanks.

edit: quickly captured a 60sec video of the bug, incase you wanna see some details


Well I've opened the scene and imported and discovered the bug causing prop imports to take far too long. So that will be fixed later today.

I discovered why some textures fail to import (but still need to get correct VMT path set correctly as these material names). But in this scene, the textures all import black because the diffuse texture name (in the VMT files) are all incorrect. For example:

"$baseTexture" "models\props_street\Metal14c_sg.vmt"

which should be:

"$baseTexture" "models\props_street\Metal14c_sg"

WW has to presume that the path in the VMT is the path where the file exists at. In this case, WW is looking for:

models\props_street\Metal14c_sg.vmt.vtf (WW Pro)
models\props_street\Metal14c_sg.vmt.tga (WW Pro & WW)

Neither of which exist.

In any event, this is part of some of the issues with the scene. But I will dig a little more into fixing some of the other VMT issues I see.


And there is now a new DEV build of WW that should make importing VMFs better (certainly far faster with props) and more likely to find materials. The materials listed above will still fail, but please give this update a test and let me know if it works for you.


Quote from: wallworm on December 26, 2015, 03:48:49 PM
let me know if it works for you.
Yes, per prop it's double as fast. But there is no more WallWormProxyLibrary being built anymore! It's gone.

Also, I changed and removed the .vmt ending in the .vmt of the effected props, the problem persists, exect same outcome. Although removed .vmt its still imports with a .vmt ending and wrong paths overall.


I'll have to look at the logic. It's probably best to use the function to import props from VMF first which should create the prop library, and then import the level. Otherwise, after importing a level click the import props from entities, which will create props in the scene (but not make a library).

If you already imported the files, you may need to try restarting Max and/or click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Utilities > Check For Problems > Purge Utility Files and delete the VMT Imports Library (which is a material library file that gets looked up in some occasions in some files to see if a material was already imported). Then restart Max and try again to see if the materials are fine.

After I edited the VMT files that you sent me, here is how the scene imported:


Quote from: wallworm on December 26, 2015, 07:34:53 PM
I'll have to look at the logic.
no, no. I was using prop library from vmf file
It's completly broken.
Just rerolled to old version, works, then went back to dev version and it's broken, 100% reproducible.


Quote from: SairesArt on December 26, 2015, 07:44:13 PM
no, no. I was using prop library from vmf file
It's completly broken.
Just rerolled to old version, works, then went back to dev version and it's broken, 100% reproducible.
Also I cannot select the "VMT Imports Library". The tick mark is greyed out.
Tried multiple stuff.

It's just, in the materialsrc path, open .vmt with notepad and remove the wrongly placed .vmt correct?

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