Wall Worm 2.721 Released

Started by wallworm, November 14, 2015, 11:12:42 PM

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Version 2.721 released on 11-14-2015

   * Entities: Fixed Entity Manager launcher not working and giving bogus warning about WW not being installed.
   * Macros: Added new  Walkthrough Mode in wallworm.com category. This macro launches the standard Walkthtough Mode but immediately sets the walk speed to a global value that is stored in WW global settings. You can assign this function via the Customize User Interface. Hint: I bound mine to the UPARROW key (which defaults to the standard walkthrough). I made this macro because the starting walkthrough speed is always ridiculously slow. Use new setting in global WW setting dialog to set your preferred speed.


Version 2.722 released on 11-15-2015

   * Utilities: Added new Display Floater in the Wall Worm Utilities submenu. Allows showing/hiding/selecting many common object types used in Wall Worm.

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