Can't import tf2 vmf models.

Started by telespentry, November 08, 2015, 10:55:17 PM

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Using the latest wallworm version, my fgd is tf.fgd from tf2. Importing a .vmf goes smoothly, despite taking a couple minutes, but the models do not load when clicking "import props from scene entities" due to "no entities found with model properties." Models import through "prop library from vmf" showing that my paths are set up right, but that isn't very useful since the models aren't actually placed.

Very new to this since I previously only have experience with blender so I am probably missing something obvious.


Click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Level Design > Point Entities and see if you can add a prop_static entity. If not, it means that the FGD entity cache needs parsed. If so, go to the global settings and click reparse above the FGD selection.


Worked! Been running for hours and still not done though. (I can tell that it is not frozen because task manager shows it maxing out a cpu core) I'll update tomorrow morning.


Quote from: telespentry on November 09, 2015, 08:20:33 PM
Worked! Been running for hours and still not done though. (I can tell that it is not frozen because task manager shows it maxing out a cpu core) I'll update tomorrow morning.

Which function, exactly, is taking so long?

Note that if the MatGen path is not set to a path that has both VMT/TGA mirror of your actual materials, it can slow down some import functions because it ends up doing a lot of file system lookups to check for materials. This can affect importing VMF and/or models.


oooh. it needs the vmt files there too? that's my problem. It did finish though and looks pretty good. Only issue is that blend materials are inverted. Going to try that.


also, any way to export the result to blender without most of the materials going missing? I understand blend textures going missing, but just plain textures are too. I use .obj since .fbx crashes immediately. Also, is there a way to also import foliage?


was trying to import props from scene entities on koth_suijin...


The actual error reported is:

-- Unknown system exception <<[/color]

Those are always hard to troubleshoot. I'll give it a look later on.

Quote from: telespentry on November 10, 2015, 08:15:41 AM
also, any way to export the result to blender without most of the materials going missing? I understand blend textures going missing, but just plain textures are too. I use .obj since .fbx crashes immediately.

I don't really have any experience with Blender.

Quote from: telespentry on November 10, 2015, 08:15:41 AM
Also, is there a way to also import foliage?

Not sure what you mean. There isn't anything special about foliage as opposed to any other kind of model.


Quote from: wallworm on November 10, 2015, 01:02:29 PM
I don't really have any experience with Blender.
Assumed as much. What I was asking is are there any export formats that retain the material information for stuff? I get that blend textures and other really fancy ones dont export.


Quote from: telespentry on November 10, 2015, 01:27:54 PM

Ok, I see. Yes, you need to use the VBSP Importer in WW. That tool has more functionality when you also have the Detailer plugin installed.

Quote from: telespentry on November 10, 2015, 01:35:39 PM
What I was asking is are there any export formats that retain the material information for stuff?

The only standard export format I generally deal with is FBX. And even then I am usually only dealing as middle man for mesh transfers and don't often deal with exporting complex materials between apps. I know standard materials translate via FBX.


Another error, sd_doomsday also failed to open models with a "-- No "map" function for unidentified" if needed.


Do you have the latest version of WW? The error message did not match the line # with the current WW. If you have the latest, then you'll need to send me the QC+SMDs of model that caused the error.


Downloaded WW two days ago. Will send model.


I want to draw your attention to the "Changelog Side" wehre you can allways see actual Version of WW Tools.
Sometimes it can happen taht WW Tools change Version over night.

Get the side to Favorite is my tip.  :D

best regards Wammbo

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