How import textures? CS:GO

Started by HJK, October 15, 2015, 05:58:46 AM

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hi, i m trouble. Can't understand how to import textures in 3D max using the plugin WW. I was able to import polygons, and how to add textures to them? Sorry for my English.... could you write the steps how to do it...... 1. 2 . 3.


Before you import the scene, you need to have set up your material library generator paths to a place where all the Material files (VMT files) and Textures (bitmaps) reside. Furthermore, if you don't have Wall Worm Pro, you have to convert the VTF Files into TGA files.

Here is the overview of importing a VMF into Max. There is a video describing the general steps of importing levels. Also, it links to the docs on setting up the Material Library.


I ready, buy pro, but Explain where is the textures folder of cs:go?


The VMT/VTF files in CS:GO are packed into VPK files. To get those you need to use GCFScape to unpack them directly onto your hard drive. Here is more info on Unpacking VPK files.


Hmmm... I open to GCFSC, then open the file pak_01, but nothing happens! Look

Joris Ceoen

Quote from: HJK on October 15, 2015, 02:07:51 PM
Hmmm... I open to GCFSC, then open the file pak_01, but nothing happens! Look
The one you're searching for is named pak01_dir. It's the one that control all the seperate VPK's.


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