Wall Worm 2.685 Released

Started by wallworm, September 03, 2015, 12:11:09 AM

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Version 2.685 released on 9-2-2015

   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug where nodes that should never have exported as a brush were being exported as brushes.

   * VMT Importer: Added ability to derive source VMT/VTF/TGA from multiple arbitrary paths. No UI for setting these paths. Docs coming soon.
   * VMF Importer: Added support for func_instance. Now imports func_instances as external .CMAX scenes into the $scenes/instances folder. This new feature is not fully tested.
   * VMF Importer: Updated the calculation of info_overlay to have more accurate scale. Orientation issues still exist in many cases.
   * Entities: Now when adding a func_instance entity, the node defaults to a Container object.

Note that I was not intending to release this update yet but there was a critical bug in the latest VMF exporter. So I pushed this out. The new func_instance support is very tentative.


Version 2.686 released on 9-3-2015

* VMF Exporter: Updated the code for exporting displacements that are tied to brush nodes in the scene. Now exports far faster with these types of displacements (20 times faster).

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