Wall Worm 2.683 Released

Started by wallworm, August 28, 2015, 08:45:33 PM

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Version 2.683 released on 8-28-2015

   * XRefs: Fixed a critical bug relating to deeply nested XRef files.
   * WWMT: Updated the tools in the WWMT/WWMT Proxies to set skin numbers in proxies at skin creation time.
   * VMT Importer: Fixed bug when importing a VMT with a named texture parameter that has an empty value. For example, a VMT that has a line like:  $bumpmap "" . The empty string was unexpected.
   * VMT Importer: Fixed bug trying to import the chicken material in CS:GO. Seriously.


This update is about to be immediately overwritten with another... as this actually breaks some functions. Please wait 10 minutes.


2.684 Released with a fix for the broken fix on XRefs.

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