WW 2.673 Released

Started by wallworm, August 10, 2015, 12:18:20 AM

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I could not finish the updates to WW/WW Pro that I promised to several people in the last couple days to address some known problems you've been reporting. I will try to get those updates put out tomorrow... just too tired to get them out tonight.

Some fixes coming: VMT/VTF exporter error on blend tooltextures; VMF exporter materials and UVs with some brushes in WW Pro; more.


Version 2.673 released on 8-10-2015

   * Materials: Fixed bug exporting some textures when they contain a path that can be interpreted as having special characters (like /n and /t).
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug when the skyname property is somehow set to undefined in the rootnode custom attribute for the World.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug in WW Pro where non-bitmaptexture maps caused the material name of a face to be incorrectly set to tools/toolsnodraw in WW Pro.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed problems in WW Pro VMF Exporter with the UVs on faces of brushes where the texture used on that face was not a bitmap and was using the WW Pro texture custom attribute.
   * Map Properties: Updated the custom attribute for the map information stored in the world limits helper. Now stores the last export brush count, side count and entity count for statistics.

Version 2.672 released on 8-6-2015

   * Materials: Updated the VMT/VTF exporter in Wall Worm Pro to skip checking for vtex.exe in the Bin directory, as this was blocking exporting in games that are missing vtex (like Insurgency).


Version 2.674 released on 8-11-2015

   * VMF Importer: Fixed bug in VMF Importer where entity output connections with a blank value were being skipped and causing invalid data for re-exporting.
   * Materials: Fixed bug when exporting a material with a non bitmap texture in WW Pro and the texture does not yet have a WW texture custom attribute.


Version 1.45

* Updated they way the material is generated to fix problems with Grouped geometry and XRef geometry nodes.

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