Wall Worm 2.63 Released

Started by wallworm, July 10, 2015, 01:41:01 PM

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Version 2.63 released on 7-10-2015

   * Displacements: Added ability for displacements derived from brushes to re-use the actual underlying brush as the brush for displacements in the VMF. Such displacements can be re-used in the same brush.
   * Displacements: Added several new functions and buttons related to the new displacement functionality.
   * VMF Exporter: Added support for the newer Displacement functionality.
   * VMF Exporter: Removed the Angles parameter from info_overlay entities.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed some line endings using just a Newline instead of a Carriage Return then a Newline.
   * VMF Exporter: Added a final carriage return and new line at the end of the VMF file.
   * VMF Importer: Fixed a large percentage of the problems related to the Unknown System Exception bug in the VMF Importer. The error can still happen, but now it is known what can cause the problem: a lack of a final carriage return and a line break (CRLF) at the end of the file is one cause. If this is detected, the MAXScript listener will prompt the user to open the VMF in a text editor and add a line break at the end of the file.
   * VMF Importer: Improved brush importer so that the validate geometry option is probably no longer necessary.
   * VMF Importer: Improved info_decal orientation and size.
   * Worm Face: Updated the Worm Face overlay dropper to assign the underlying Brush Node side to the overlay  sidelist if the picked object is a displacement that is associated to brush.
   * Worm Face: Updated the Worm Face overlay dropper to assign the underlying displacement (or underlying Brush Node side) to the overlay  sidelist if the picked object is a displacement sculpt mesh. (Works best on Commited Sculpt Mesh as the face detection is a raycast to the underlying displacement.)
   * Entities: Updated entity sidelist picker functions to account for displacements that are assigned to an actual brush. (This function not yet updated for sculpt mesh).
      * Problem Checker: Added check for overlay count. Default overlay limit in Source is 512.

The main new feature is that displacements can now be associated to actual brush nodes. Historically, WW displacements always created brushes on the fly at export time. This is generally fine. But if you need the displacements to have brushes with specific brush makeup (where the underlying brush has vertices at specific points) then this function is useful. At this time, the brushes can be assigned to a displacement via one of these methods:

  • The displacement was created via the VMF Importer.
  • The displacement was created with the Polys to Displacement function on an object that will export as a brush.

It is technically possible to manually set a displacement to a brush and face after the fact, but there is no UI for this. I don't currently have plans to build a UI for that.


Oops... the 2.63 update broke all prop orientation. This is now fixed in 2.64:

Version 2.64 released on 7-11-2015

   * VMF Importer: Fixed major bug in the VMF Importer. This bug was introduced in the 2.63 update and caused all transforms of point entities to be incorrect.

   * VMF Importer: Fixed bug in VMF Exporter UI if the scene is reset to a new scene while the VMF Exporter dialog is open and the VMF Exporter Presets list is selected.

   * VMF Importer: Fixed a bug when importing a scene where a side's normal is unexpectedly undefined. This is likely due to microbrushes.

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