Wall Worm 2.62 Released: PropLine Support in VMF Exporter and More

Started by wallworm, June 30, 2015, 04:23:24 PM

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Version 2.62 released on 6-30-2015

   * VMF/Map Exporter: Fixed some issues with the positions of WWMT Proxies tagged for the 3D skybox.
   * VMF/Map Exporter: Added support for the PropLine plugin.
   * WWMT Proxies: Added a new parameter to exclude a proxy from the VMF export.
   * Problem Checker: Added button to update WWMT Proxy definitions in scene.


Version 2.623 released on 7-3-2015

   * VMT Importer: Added texture BaseTextureTransform support.
   * VMT Importer: Updated WW Pro to set correct Mono Output to Alpha in Bitmap Textures; and to set the diffuse bitmap to the opacity map in the material if the VMT had $translucent 1.

Version 2.621 released on 7-1-2015

   * VMF/Map Exporter: Added increased support for the PropLine plugin.

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