Wall Worm 2.56 Released

Started by wallworm, February 28, 2015, 01:36:55 PM

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Version 2.56 released on 2-28-2015

   * VMF Exporter: Fixed bug exporting some prop orientations.
   * VMF Exporter: Fixed a bug when not typing a file extension on the VMF/MAP export dialog.
   * VMT Importer: Added a new path for searching for textures to expedite WAD import process.
   * Material Library Generator: Added new checkbox for the WAS importer to exclude/include existing import folders based on WAD name.
   * Texture Importer: Fixed names of some bitmaps by sanitizing the names.


2.561 was released within half an hour to fix non-staticprop entity orientation in the VMF exporter.


2.562: Another update today to fix some problems exporting VTFs. If you had incorrect paths in the VMT or the VTF was exporting to the wrong path (or not exporting at all) this should fix it.


Version 2.564 released on 3-1-2015

   * VMT Importer: Fixed path problem with some material names when being imported.
   * Materials: Fixed a MAXScript error that could occur under some circumstances.


Version 2.565 released on 3-1-2015

   * Material Exporter: Updated scene material collection logic to work faster when exporting all scene brush/displacement materials.


Version 2.566 released on 3-2-2015

   * Settings: Added new global setting called MXS Entity Definitions. This is for WW Pro users who need to create entities that non WWPro users can open and use.
   * Sky Writer: Fixed MAXScript error notice.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated most entity values to prune large decimal places.


Version 2.567 released on 3-8-2015

◦QC Importer: Vertices are now always welded for any prop imported from a QC with the $staticprop variable. Also, the mesh is quadrified in versions of Max that have the Graphite tools.
◦QC Importer: Updated the batch QC importer to use a more robust folder filtering so that the folder filters do not have to match at the root level.
◦Material Library Generator: Added Decal Library option to import just Decal libraries. Now imports SubRect materials.
◦Materials: Added SubRect to the known shaders. To create, set the Shader to SubRect and in the DiffuseBitmap, turn on Cropping Apply and set the U/V/dimensions (click the View Image to visually place).


Version 2.568 released on 3-9-2015

   * Materials: Fixed a bug when importing any WorldVertexTransition materials. This caused errors with the VMT Importer, Material Library Generator and the VMF Importer.
   * VMF Importer: Added a Prop Library lookup for all props that have a model attribute. Will look populate the level with the props at import-time if the props have already been imported into the prop library.
   * QC Importer: Fixed missing Texturegroups (skins) in some models.


Version 2.569 released on 3-10-2015

   * QC/SMD Importer: Fixed a bug when importing a SMD or QC that inadvertently turned on the Wall Worm Debug mode--slowing all functions down until debug was turned back off. This fix will help speed up importing SMD and QC files and use less RAM during imports.

For those curious:

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