Wall Worm 2.554 Released

Started by wallworm, February 16, 2015, 11:03:52 PM

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Version 2.554 released on 2-16-2015

   * WWMT Proxies: Added some new functions for proxies that allow setting the default animation and bodygroups via the Proxy UI. Also added a menu to set the the proxy to a prop_*.
   * Texture Exporter: Fixed default texture settings to fix a bug when adding new WW Texture Attributes to texture nodes when exporting a texture for the first time. The bug was causing WW Pro to set all textures to use the NORMAL flag for VTEX.
   * VMF Exporter: Updated MAXScript exporter to start all visgroupId values at 10. This alleviates problems with visgroupIDs that overlap those in Hammers Auto VisGroup ID list. The bug is not yet fixed in WW Pro.
   * VMF Exporter: Added mapversion ID that increments each time you export the VMF.
   * SMD Exporter: Fixed bug with face material names when the material had a path.

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