-- Unknown property: "ishidden" in undefined

Started by JimmyNijs, February 11, 2015, 07:40:05 AM

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Hi there, here I am again :P

I ran into another problem. When I turn some polys into displacements and I press the 'Sculpt' button so I can start editing it, the MAXScript Rollout Handler gives me an error called

"-- Unknown property: "ishidden" in undefined ".

It used to work a couple of versions ago, but now I come across this error every time, and it makes Wallworm stop working altogether.
Is this a bug I am not aware of or am I doing something wrong again?

Also, I wanted to thank you for explaining the convex/concave thingey I asked about last time! I hadn't had the chance to do that yet ^^ It is much clearer for me now!


Thanks for reporting. I'll look into it today.


I just did several tests and could not replicate the issue.

Can you verify the version of WW installed (Open WWMT and look at the version # at the bottom). The latest version is 2.55.

Next, when the error occurs, click F11. This will give a much more detailed error. Paste the entire contents of that error into this page and it will help me see where the actual error is occurring for you.


I am using Wall Worm version 2.542 at the moment.
and this is the error in more detail.

I think something might have gone wrong with installing. I'll try updating to the latest version and I'll try again using 2.55


OK, I see what must have happened. You have deleted a displacement that was used inside a Sculpt mesh. That is really a bad idea, because it can potentially cause the sculpt mesh to get corrupted.

I will update the Sculpt Mesh custom attribute function to detect this. But I cannot promise the sculpt mesh isn't corrupted.

Before following these steps, backup the scene in case you need to get the displacement data back.

Now go to your sculpt mesh and click the Commit and Revert To Pieces.

Now select the pieces again and make a new sculpt mesh.

If all goes well, this will solve the problem.

The problem is that when you make a new displacement, WW goes through the scene displacements and sculpt meshes and hides components that should be hidden. With sculpt meshes, that is all the displacements because you should only edit the sculpt mesh but not its displacements (as the sculpt mesh is for editing those). But the sculpt mesh has an error because some of its displacement nodes are Deleted Scene Nodes.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. In any event, a future update will make the error impossible. But it won't change the fact that you should always commit and revert a sculpt mesh before deleting one of the displacements that it was derived from. In order to export correctly, all of the displacements that made the sculpt mesh must exist in the scene at all times, even if hidden.

[EDIT] Note that if there are multiple sculpt meshes and each one has deleted displacements, then the error will continue until all sculpt meshes lose reference to any deleted nodes.


Ohhh, yeah, I see what you mean. Thanks for clearing that up! But yeah, you are right. I did delete some placeholder-displacements which I had sculpted earlier because I thought I wouldn't need them anymore.
I will follow the steps you told me to follow and see if I can fix it!

Thanks again for your help :D


Well it looks like the function for committing will fail if there are deleted nodes. I will try to make a fix today, if it is possible.


This bug is now fixed. When you open your scene, go to Wall Worm > Wall Worm Utilities > Problem Checker and click the button to Update Displacements. This will update their definitions to the latest version. Note that any part of a sculpt mesh that was derived from a deleted displacement will immediately disappear when you revert to pieces--as that displacement is gone.


Thank you so much! It works like a charm!

You're the best!  ;D

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