Model Exporting Not Working Properly

Started by CarbonCopyCat, January 06, 2015, 12:20:00 AM

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Whenever I click the "Export QC+Model" button in WWMT, 3ds Max just freezes for a second and goes back to normal, without showing the command prompt box that usually appears. The .bat files are made in the Mdlsrc folder, and running them does export the model properly, but for some reason they don't run automatically. It's not a problem that needs to be addressed immediately, but I thought you might want to know.

Concise version: .bat files used to export models don't launch automatically, have to launch them manually.


It's possible that your global settings got changed. Go to your global WW settings and turn on the option to Compile Models on Export and Overwrite Existing QC (and turn off the Open Model Folder on Export if on... it's mainly for those who don't use auto compile).

If you have installed the 2.4 beta versions of WW, it might be that the defaults were kind of off. We've been cleaning up a bunch of the code and streamlining a lot, and part of that changed the configuration functions. Make sure to set and of the fields that might be empty like LOD modifier, hull handling, etc. When 2.4 is actually released, those default settings will be fixed.

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