Wall Worm 2.08 Released

Started by wallworm, May 17, 2014, 01:51:00 AM

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Version 2.08 released on 5-17-2014

   * VMF Importer: Updated some of the code to work more efficiently and reduce the number of failed brushes.
   * VMF Importer: Added new import data cache save/load. This will cache the imported VMF/MAP data in a format that can be reused without having to parse a VMF/MAP file. Useful if you may want to import a level more than once (for whatever reason) because this function works faster to load/create the level than importing the VMF first.
   * VMF Importer: Added new utility to help fix some bad UVs on imported brush geometry. No documentation yet.
   * Entities: Added Copy/Paste entity properties. This function is currently only in the Point Entities floater, but the copy/paste can be used with brush entities as well. You can choose to paste Properties, Outputs and Spawnflags. You can also choose to over-write existing outputs or append.
   * Entities: Updated entity cache version. Alleviates problem with importing entities that have a property named "min" (like math_counter). Requires an entity re-parse.
   * WWMT: Fixed bug in WWMT Collision Hull Show/Hide buttons being reversed in function.

Regarding the VMF Importer. Now the VMF importer will have less triangulated faces but can still bring in triangulated faces and corrupt world geometry. The Thresshold spinner effects the removal of edges in faces but sometimes removes edges that should not be removed with very complex brushwork. After an import, you can change this value to something lower on these brushes, select the brush and then click the Rebuild Selected.

Also, if you try to import a level with an entity like the math_counter, you need to update your entity cache in WW before the import because there is a fatal error because of the way the "min" property was being set.

I am still trying to find out what is causing the parse failures on VMF imports (generally, this seems to be related to VMFs with displacements... I'm looking into fixing this altogether. This update should fix some problems where parsing would always fail.


Version 2.081 released on 5-17-2014

   * VTA Exporter: Fixed bug that caused all VTA exports to fail.
   * WWMT: Minor change to code regarding models that should export with VTAs.


Version 2.082 released on 5-18-2014

   * VTF Exporter: Fixed error that can happen when exporting a material with missing bitmaps (the TGA/PSD is not found on the hard drive).
   * VMF Importer: Fixed bug importing a scene with entities in one mod where the properties aren't in the target mod (but happen to be a standard property in 3ds Max). For example, an entity in CS:GO might exist in a VMF with a property named "enabled" ... but when exported into a scene with CSS as the current mod, the property was mistakenly applied to the entity property list even though it wasn't available. This caused an error.
   * Entities: Added new feature for entities that have the property "modelscale". Now the model will scale in the viewport. Do not use this on the WWMT model itself... just proxies. Only available in some mods.
   * VMF Importer: Added detection of modelscale parameter in prop imports.  Only available in some mods.


Version 2.083 released on 5-18-2014

   * VMF Importer: Fixed broken function for importing props from imported VMF.
   * VMF Importer: Improved speed and quality of VMF imports.


Version 2.0831 released on 5-19-2014

   * QC Importer: Fixed bug when importing a QC where there is a collision model but no model/body.

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